Samsung 50FHDSS WF3.5 Y-Main LJ41-05571A TV PN50A550

Samsung 50FHDSS WF3.5 Y-Main LJ41-05571A TV PN50A550

  • Description
  • Reviews
LJ41-05571A LJ92-01535A PN50A550S1F SAMSUNG Y- SUS board
To replace this electronics professional part to TV, you have to make sure:

1- You have a right diagnosis on your TV

2- TV’s model number, part number, all connectors and board number must be matched identical, If NOT, it might not works because different of software and firmware in it

3- You must know how to install it (reset memory and microchip procedure, update firmware, software, modification, ID board code matching if necessary …etc.)

4- You must make sure there are NO other parts in your TV will damage this replacement part.
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