PCB 100664987 Rev.B for Seagate st2000dm001 ST500DM002 ST3000DM0

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Please Note The Following:(This is important)
1. This is just the circuit board of a hard drive, NOT the entire hard drive.
2. There is NO return policy.
3. The board is guaranteed to be tested OK before shipment.
4. It is the buyer's responsibility to determine if the board is adequate for his/her hard drive.
5. We can only provide basic compatibility information for the drive.
6.We want to buy 1 each circuit board customer has certain repair technique, because some circuit board is not a change to the disk body can be directly admitted to the hard disk, the hard disk body and each of its original circuit board is one to one, that is a BIOS chip. So, must be the original circuit board (i.e. bad board) BIOS chip to get a good board, so the hard disk can be identified. Hard disk circuit board shop the sales of all annotation which is BIOS chip.
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