A61L-0001-0096 compatible LCD display 14" for FANUC CNC CRT monitor

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A61L-0001-0096compatible LCD display 14 inch for CNC machine replace CRT monitor

This LCD display replace the Fanuc 14"CRT Display Module Model D15CM-01A, A61L-0001-0096 


Note: A61L-0001-0074 and 0094 model withthe same (standard 9 pin, FANUC standard signal line, 100-240V to DC 12 power),the signal interface can be connected directly, customers only need to connecttwo power lines.

A61L-0001-0096 comes with Different signalinterface and 100-240V to DC 12 power supply.


The replacement LCD monitor specificationas follows:

1. support 15KHz to 48KHz frequency linesignal, field frequency from 48Hz to 75Hz, the positive and negative automaticadaptation, input line field automatic frequency scanning.

2. support field input for digital TTLsignals or analog signals.

3. input interface: D-sub, 15PIN, BNCinterface and other interfaces, can be customized.

4. support black and white display,monochrome display, color display, true color display.

5., support automatic recognition of thescreen, adjust the width.

6. support separation of synchronous signalHV, composite synchronization signal Cs or synchronous signal compound in thevideo G signal (Sog), polarity, positive and negative are automaticallyidentified.

7.75-500 ohm high input impedance, suitablefor all kinds of strong and weak signal source


Technicalparameters of  industrial screen:

The Old CRT monitor A61L-0001-0096 asfollows:


The replacement LCD display as follows:

You can replace it as following:

1st, Remove the old CRT displayand empty the original CRT position. See below

2nd, Remove the old CRT displayand empty the original CRT position. See below

The new LCD directly installed, thecorresponding fixed screw holes, the signal wire is inserted, connect the powerline can be, some parameters can be obtained by OSD display menu displayoptimization, thus completing the CRT replacement for A61L-0001-0096 liquidcrystal process.


3rd,The display after installing

Our products all adopt imported industrialLCD panel and power supplies from companies such as SHARP AUO to ensuresthat it has a long service life, low failure rate, suitable for workingcondition of continuous use of 24 hours, without daily maintenance, withexactly same mechanical size of the original hole site, and can quickly restoreproduction as long as to plug in the signal interface and power interface.Compared with the original CRT monitor, LCD monitor has advantages of simplestructure, lower power consumption, little daily breakdown, strong vibrationresistance, strong electromagnetic interference resistance, simple maintenance,light weight, and easier to standardization, etc.

All models are of regular stock to ensurerapid delivery and some special use display can be customized.

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