general 9" LCD display for CNC replace RGB MDA EGA CGA industrial CRT monitor

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KTV804 compatible LCD display general 9 inch for CNCmachine replace old RGB MDA EGA CGA industrial CRT monitor


This productis used to replace a variety of CNC machine set old RGB, MDA, EGA, CGAindustrial CRT monitors, wide compatibility, good effect.
Size 8.4-inch LCD, commonly known as 9-inch display.

KTV804 RGB, MDA, EGA, CGA special industrialmonitors
1,supports the 15k to 48k line frequency signal,unrestricted field frequency input, automatic identification line fieldfrequency input.
2,supports digital RGB, RGB analog and color,monochrome, black and white, grayscale and other video formats.
3,Supports both interlaced and progressivescanning modes.
4,Support for vertical resolution from 160 linesto 600 lines, automatic identification.
5,Support any level of resolution, automaticidentification.
6,synchronizing signal separating support, thecomposite synchronization signal or the composite synchronizing signal on avideo signal, automatic identification.
7, the output signal of the standard 800 x 600VGA 60Hz field frequency or custom resolutions.
8, the input impedance of 75 ohms or 750 ohmsoffer two options, you can adapt weak signal equipment.


75-500 ohm high input impedance,automatically adapt to a variety of strong and weak signal source.


The interface of the display

1. VIDEO IN: used to connect the 15 pin Dsignal line or the 9 pin D signal line input.(choose one only)

2. DC 12V: display power input, used toconnect the power adapter.(can choose 24VDC)



15 pin connector

If you choose 9pin connector

If you don’t know it it’s matching yourrequirement, please send me details about your monitor. Theengineer will advise.

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