JP-3163B Stepper Motor Driver TB6560 3 axis for CNC Engraving Ma

JP-3163B Stepper Motor Driver TB6560 3 axis for CNC Engraving Ma

  • Description
  • Reviews
- increase monolithic control function, the X Y Z axis speed can be set independently.
- two running mode, can wire the potentiometer to control the axis speed.
- can manual control motor by direct external button, real-time numerical control display.
- the isolation power supply module, just a group of power input can run.
- can set screw strok of step distance , support offline JOG running and display.
- add analog 0-10 V output, use inverter to regulate the spindle speed.
- add 15 pins multi-function interface, which can be a variety of signal input control docking.
- add the whole bridge free-wheeling diode for every axis on the bottom of the board, ensure chip long durability.
- add signal buffer chip, to enlarge the external signal, increase the accuracy of the pulse.
- E shape aluminum heat sink on the bottom of the board to guarantee full load operation 24 hours, low temperature

Special Notice:
- When you want to use the handle kit to control, MACH3 itself in reverse operation, whatever the signal can change the motor's turn direction, so buying external pulse handle is not realistic,can't control the machine by the software and manual at same time, but our board succeed to solve the problem, can control and switch between both of the software and manul!
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