TP04G-AL-C Delta Text Panel HMI STN LCD single color 4 Lines Display mod

  • Description
  • Reviews

1,package included:

1pcs TP04G-AL-C (Only match delta PLC) text panel new in box;

1pcsdownloading programming cable(Only offer it free when you ask for after order.Not ship it default. The communication cable is not included, if you need, pleasecontact us and inquiry it)

Thesoftware is free(we can send it by email if you can’t download it by yourself)

2, TPSeries text display, COM1:RS232, DC power supply

TP02G-AS1 2 line monochrome STN display160*32 dot matrix 256K FLASH, no calendar, COM2:RS485/422

TP04G-AS2 STN 4 monochrome 128*64 dotmatrix display 256K FLASH, calendar, COM2:RS485/422

TP04G-AL2 STN 4 monochrome 192*64 dotmatrix display 256K FLASH, calendar, COM2:RS485/422

TP04G-AL-C STN 4 monochrome 192*64 dotmatrix display for 256K FLASH, a calendar, COM2:NO

TP04G-BL-C STN 4 monochrome 192*64 dotmatrix display 256K FLASH, 0~9 digital keys, calendar, COM2:NO

TP04G-BL-CU STN 4 monochrome 192*64 dotmatrix display 256K FLASH, 0~9 digital keys, there are calendar, COM2:NO, USBDownload

TP08G-BT2 STN 8 monochrome 240*128 dotmatrix display 1M FLASH, 0~9 digital keys, calendar, COM2:RS485/422

3, Features

The screen of this series can display twolines text or message at the same time. It not only has the features of lightweight, cost-effective price, good flexibility in use, and easy-to-controloperation, but also supports various communication protocols.


‧STN LCD single color

‧160*32 pixels

‧256K Flash Memory

‧16 multiple function keys

‧Back-light auto turn off setting

‧Power, Communication, Alarm LED

‧2 Comm. Ports. It can communicate withdifferent communication protocols simultaneously.

‧Provide "program copy card"function: Save download time.

‧Support multi-languages display

‧CE & UL approved


Payment : we only accept Paypal for online shopping.

shipment:We use DHL,EMS as shipment method in normal.

Guarantee:1 year quality warranty.

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